North Dakota is unique in that we are the ONLY state not requiring voters to register before hitting the ballot box. In order to vote, there are just a few requirements. You must be:
- A citizen of the United States;
- At least 18 years old on the date of the election;
- A resident of the State of North Dakota;
- A resident in the voting precinct for at least 30 days before any election;
- Able to provide adequate voter identification; and
- Not actually incarcerated in a jail facility on the date of the election.
Because North Dakota does not require voters to register, there are increased requirements for voter identification to prevent voter fraud. The Secretary of State has indicated the following forms of identification are acceptable for voting purposes:
- A North Dakota driver’s license;
- A North Dakota Non-Driver Identification card;
- A Tribal Identification card including a current residential address and date of birth; or
- A Long-Term Care Certificate issued by a North Dakota Long-Term Care Facility.
For more information concerning any voter identification requirements, please contact the North Dakota Secretary of State’s office.
What if I Don’t Have One of Those?
If your valid form of identification does not include all the information required or the information is not current, the identification must be supplemented by presenting any of the following documents:
- A current utility bill;
- A current bank statement;
- A check issued by a federal, state, or local government;
- A paycheck;
- A document containing all of the requirements issued by a college or university for an enrolled student residing in North Dakota and containing the college or university’s letterhead or seal, together with a student photo identification card containing the student’s photograph and legal name.
What if My Name Changed?
If your legal name has changed since obtaining your identification, the best route is to obtain a new identification card from the Department of Motor Vehicles. To change your name, you will need to present certified documentation (with a stamp from the Clerk of Court) of the name change in person. This documentation could include a certified copy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other court order changing a name to any North Dakota Driver’s license site. A new license will cost $3.00 and you will be required to take a new picture. In the COVID era, you will need to make an appointment before going to one of these sites so plan ahead.
What if I have Moved Recently?
North Dakota law requires a voter to live in the precinct they intend to vote in for at least 30 days before the election. If you have moved recently, you can update your address with the Department of Motor Vehicles online using their online address change portal.

This judgeship is located in the Southeast Judicial District, which includes anyone meeting the above qualifications living in the following counties: Barnes, Dickey, Eddy, Foster, Griggs, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Stutsman, and Wells counties. As long as you meet the voter qualifications listed above, live in one of these counties, and are not in jail at the time of the election, you can vote for Thornton to be your next District Court Judge!
On Election Day, November 8, 2022, you can cast your ballot for Nick D. Thornton in a polling place, usually in a community or public building, that serves as a polling place. Each county has at least one polling location; some counties have several. To find out where you should go to vote, what will be on your ballot, and when the polling place will be open, please enter your address into the Secretary of State’s Online Voter Information Utility. You can search either by your individual identification number and date of birth or by household address.
Voting by mail or absentee in North Dakota is relatively easy. You must fill out an Absentee/Mail Ballot application, print, sign, and submit it to your County Auditor by mail, fax, or personal delivery. Once that is done, the Secretary of State will send you a ballot to return by mail or delivery into a secure ballot drop box.
- (North Dakota’s one-stop voting home page).
- Voter Identification Requirements
- Find Your Polling Place
- Election Dates and Deadlines
- Voting Basics in North Dakota
- Voter Guide for College Students
- Military Personnel Voter Guide
- Overseas Voter Guide
- What Will Be on My Ballot?
- Find the Results After the Election
- Forum Communications/League of Women Voters 2022 Voter Guide (compare the candidates)
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